
Supermicro Server Systems

With an excellent track record, Supermicro has earned a reputation as a true leader in the high-end server / storage industry. Supermicro offers the most outstanding product line in the industry, from single Atom and Dual Xeon® up to Quad Xeon® MP systems. With proven track record of quality and performance, SuperServers is the premier choice for HPC, enterprise, cloud, data center, hyperscale, embedded and mission-critical server applications.

Rackmount Servers

The server rackmounts from Supermicro are available in different classes for varied application requirements.

Ultra SYS-1029U-TN12RV


Highest Performance and Flexibility for Enterprise Applications


GPU Systems

Maximum Acceleration and Cost Efficiency for AI / Deep Learning and HPC Applications

Mainstream SYS-5019P-MTR


Versatile Entry Level and Volume Servers for Enterprise Server Applications



Designed for Data Centers with Best Performance, Cost and Energy Efficiency



Industry’s Widest Variety of I/O Optimized Servers

MP SYS-2049U-TR4

MP Systems

Extremely Large In-Memory Computing and Mission Critical Applications

Choose the appropriate rack unit size:
Model (SKU)ClassForm FactorCPU (per Node)DIMM (per Node)Drive Bays (per Node)NetworkingNode per System
AS-1123US-TR4Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
AS-1023US-TR4Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
AS-1123US-TN10RTUltra1U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-1014S-WTRTWIO1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-1114S-WTRTWIO1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-1114S-WN10RTWIO1U1 CPU Socket16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-1013S-MTRMainstream1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
AS-1113S-WN10RTWIO1U1 CPU Socket16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-1024US-TRTUltra1U2 CPU Socket32 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-1124US-TNRPUltra1U2 CPU Socket32 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
AS-5019D-FTN4 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029P-WTWIO1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029P-WTRWIO1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6019P-WTWIO1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6019P-WTRWIO1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6019P-WT8WIO1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029P-WTRTWIO1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6019P-ACR12L 1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6019P-ACR12L+ 1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-120GQ-TNRTGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029GQ-TRTGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029GQ-TXRTGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029GQ-TNRTGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029GQ-TVRTGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029GQ-TRT-NEBSGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029GQ-TRT-NEBS-DCGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-1129P-ACR10N4L 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SSG-6119P-ACR12N4L 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-1029GP-TRGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SYS-6019P-MTDCO1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6019P-MTRDCO1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029P-MTDCO1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029P-MTRDCO1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029P-N32R 1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots32 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-1029P-NEL32R 1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots32 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029TP-DTR 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB2 Nodes
SYS-1029TP-DC1R 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB2 Nodes
SYS-1029TP-DC0R 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB2 Nodes
SYS-1029U-TN10RTUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-TR4Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029U-TR4TUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-TRTUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-TRTPUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-TRTP2Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6019U-TRTP2Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6019U-TR25MUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-6019U-TN4R4TUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-E1CR25MUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-6019U-TN4RTUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6019U-TR4Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-6019U-TR4TUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-6019U-TRTUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6019U-TRTPUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-TR25MUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-1029U-E1CR4Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029U-E1CR4TUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-E1CRTUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-E1CRTPUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-E1CRTP2Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1029U-TN12RVUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays1 Node
SYS-1029UX-LL1-S16Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029UX-LL2-S16Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029UX-LL3-S16Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029UX-LL1-C16Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029UX-LL2-C16Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029UX-LL3-C16Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029UX-LL4-C16Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1029UZ-TN20R25MUltra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots20 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SSG-1029P-NMR36L 1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots36 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-1029P-NES32R 1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots32 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019C-FLMainstream1U1 CPU Socket2 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019C-LMainstream1U1 CPU Socket2 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019C-M4LMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019C-MMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019C-MRMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1019C-FHTN8 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays8x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019C-WRWIO1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1019C-HTN2 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019C-MHN2 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1019D-12C-FRN5TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-14C-FRN5TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-16C-FRN5TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-FRN5TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019D-4C-FN8TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019D-FN8TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SSG-5019D8-TR12P 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-FRN8TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-14CN-RAN13TP+ 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-14CN-RDN13TP+ 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-14CN-FHN13TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-16C-FHN13TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-16C-RAN13TP+ 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-16C-RDN13TP+ 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-4C-FHN13TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-4C-RAN13TP+ 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-4C-RDN13TP+ 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019D-FHN13TP 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays9x 1G, 4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019GP-TTGPU System1U1 CPU Socket6 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019GP-TTGPU System1U1 CPU Socket6 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019P-MTMainstream1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019P-MTRMainstream1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019P-MMainstream1U1 CPU Socket6 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019P-MRMainstream1U1 CPU Socket6 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019P-WTWIO1U1 CPU Socket6 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019P-WTRWIO1U1 CPU Socket6 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019P-WTRWIO1U1 CPU Socket6 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019P-FHN2T 1U1 CPU Socket6 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1019S-MC0TMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-5019S-MMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019S-MRMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019S-MLMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019S-M-G1585LMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019S-MR-G1585LMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019S-MN4Mainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019S-MTMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019S-LMainstream1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots1 Drive Bay2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019S-TN4 1U1 CPU Socket2 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019S-W4TRWIO1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-5019S-WRWIO1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1019S-WRWIO1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5019S-M2 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1019S-M2 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SSG-5018D4-AR12L 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SSG-5018D8-AR12L 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5018D-MHR7N4P 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1018D-FRN8T 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays6x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5018D-FN4T 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5018D-FN8T 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays6x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1018GR-TGPU System1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5018GR-TGPU System1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5018R-MMainstream1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5018R-MRMainstream1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1018R-WC0RWIO1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5018R-WRWIO1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1018R-WRWIO1U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6018TR-T 1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-6018R-TD8WIO DCO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028R-TDWWIO DCO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6018R-TDWWIO DCO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028GQ-TRGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028GQ-TRTGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028GQ-TXRGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028GQ-TXRTGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028GQ-TVRTGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6018R-MDDCO1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6018R-TDTPRDCO1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6018R-TDTPDCO1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028GR-TRGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028GR-TRTGPU System1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028R-MCTDCO1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028R-MCTRDCO1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6018TR-TF 1U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB2 Nodes
SYS-1028TP-DTR 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-1028TP-DC0R 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-1028TP-DC1R 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-1028TP-DTFR 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB2 Nodes
SYS-1028TP-DC0FR 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB
2 Nodes
SYS-1028TP-DC1FR 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB2 Nodes
SYS-1028TP-DTTR 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-1028TP-DC0TR 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-1028TP-DC1TR 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-1028U-TR4+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028U-TR4T+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028U-TRT+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6018U-TR4+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-6018U-TR4T+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028U-E1CR4+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028U-E1CRTP+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6018U-TRT+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6018U-TRTP+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028U-TNRT+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028U-TNR4T+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028U-TNRTP+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028U-TN10RT+Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028UX-CR-LL1Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028UX-CR-LL2Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028UX-LL1-B8Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028UX-LL2-B8Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028UX-LL3-B8Ultra1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028R-WMRWIO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028R-WMRTWIO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6018R-WTRWIO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028R-WC1RWIO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028R-WTRWIO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6018R-WTRTWIO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028R-WC1RTWIO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028R-WTRTWIO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-1028R-WTNR 1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-1028R-WTNRTWIO1U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-5018D2-AR12L 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5018D-LN4T 1U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G, 2x 10G1 Node
Model (SKU)ClassForm FactorCPU (per Node)DIMM (per Node)Drive Bays (per Node)NetworkingNode per System
AS-2123BT-HTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
AS-2123BT-HNR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
AS-2123BT-HNC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
AS-2023US-TR4Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
AS-2123US-TN24R25MUltra2U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
AS-2013S-C0RMainstream2U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
AS-2113S-WN24RTWIO2U1 CPU Socket16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-2113S-WTRTWIO2U1 CPU Socket16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-2124GQ-NARTMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-2024US-TRTUltra2U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-2124US-TNRPUltra2U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
AS-2114GT-DNRMainstream2U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-6029P-WTRWIO2U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6029P-WTRTWIO2U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6129P-ACR12N4G 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SSG-6129P-ACR12N4L 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-220GP-TNRGPU System2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive BaysAIOM1 Node
SYS-2029GP-TRGPU System2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
AS-2124GQ-NART-LCCGPU System2U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-2029P-E1CR24H 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots26 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-2029P-E1CR24L 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots26 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-2029P-ACR24H 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots26 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-2029P-ACR24L 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots26 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6029P-E1CR12T 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6029P-E1CR12H 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6029P-E1CR12L 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6029P-E1CR16T 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6029P-TRMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-2029P-C1RMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6029P-TRTMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029P-C1RTMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029BT-HTR 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2029BT-HNR 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2029BT-HNC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2029BT-DNC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB2 Nodes
SYS-2029BT-HNC1R 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6029BT-HNC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots3 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6029BT-DNC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB2 Nodes
SYS-2029BT-HNTR 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2029BZ-HNR 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6029TR-HTR 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-6029TR-DTR 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-2029TP-HTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2029TP-HC1R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2029TP-HC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6029TP-HTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6029TP-HC1R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6029TP-HC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2029U-TN24R4TUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029U-TR4Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-2029U-TR4TUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029U-TRTUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029U-TRTPUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029U-TR25MUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-6029U-E1CRTUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6029U-E1CRTPUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6029U-E1CR25MUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-6029U-TR4TUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-6029U-TRTUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6029U-TRTPUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6029U-TR25MUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-6029U-E1CR4Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-6029U-E1CR4TUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029U-E1CR4Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-2029U-E1CR4TUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029U-E1CRTUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029U-E1CRTPUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2029U-E1CR25M 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-6029U-TR4Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-2029U-MTNRVUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays1 Node
SYS-2029U-MTNRV-NEBSC 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays1 Node
SYS-2029U-MTNRV-NEBS-DCUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays1 Node
SYS-2029UZ-TN20R25MUltra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-6029UZ-TR4+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-2029UZ-TR4+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-2029P-TXRTMax IO Systems2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-2029P-E1CR48H 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots50 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-2029P-E1CR48L 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots50 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6029P-E1CR24H 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6029P-E1CR24L 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-2029P-DN2R24L 2U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G, SIOM, SIOM IB2 Nodes
SYS-240P-TNRTMP System2U4 CPU Sockets48 DIMM Slots24 Drive bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-2049U-TR4MP System2U4 CPU Sockets48 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-2049P-TN8RMP System2U4 CPU Sockets48 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays1x 1G1 Node
SSG-5029P-E1CTR12L 2U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5029P-WTRWIO2U1 CPU Socket6 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028U-TN24R4T+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028U-TRT+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028U-TRTP+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028U-TNRT+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028U-TNR4T+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028U-TNRT+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028U-TNR4T+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028UX-TR4Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-6028R-WTRWIO2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6028R-WTRTWIO2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028R-TXRMax IO Systems2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SSG-2028R-E1CR48N 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots48 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-2028R-E1CR48L 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots48 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-2028R-NR48N 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots48 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6028R-E1CR24N 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6028R-E1CR24L 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-2028R-DN2R24L 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G, SIOM, SIOM IB2 Nodes
SSG-2028R-DN2R48L 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots48 Drive Bays2x 10G, SIOM, SIOM IB2 Nodes
SYS-8028B-TR3FMP System2U4 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-8028B-TR4FMP System2U4 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-8028B-C0R4FTMP System2U4 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-8028B-C0R3FTMP System2U4 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2048U-RTR4MP System2U4 CPU Sockets48 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SSG-5028R-E1CR12L 2U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-5028R-WRWIO2U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6028R-TDWNRWIO DCO2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-2028R-C1R4+Mainstream2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-2028R-C1RT4+Mainstream2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028GR-TRGPU System2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-2028GR-TRHGPU System2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-2028GR-TRTGPU System2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028GR-TRHTGPU System2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots10 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028R-C1RMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-2028R-C1RTMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6028R-E1CR12T 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6028R-E1CR16T 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6028R-E1CR12H 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6028R-E1CR12L 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-2028R-E1CR24H 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-2028R-E1CR24L 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-2028R-ACR24H 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-2028R-ACR24L 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028R-TMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6028R-TRMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-6028R-TTMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028R-TRTMainstream2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6028R-E1CR12N 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SSG-2028R-E1CR24N 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SSG-2028R-DE2CR24L 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-2028BT-HTR+ 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028BT-HNR+ 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028BT-HNC0R+ 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028BT-HNC1R+ 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6028BT-HNC0R+ 2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots3 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6028TR-HTR 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-6028TR-DTR 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-6028TR-D72R 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TR-H72R 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TR-HTR 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-6028TR-HTFR 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028TR-H72FR 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028TR-HTFR 2U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB4 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HC1R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DC1R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HC1R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HC0R 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DNCR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-DNCR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DECR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HC1FR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HC0FR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HTFR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DC1FR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DC0FR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DTFR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB2 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HTFR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB4 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HC1FR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB4 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HC0FR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DNCFR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB2 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-DNCFR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DECFR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G, FDR IB, IB2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HTR-SIOM 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HC0R-SIOM 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HC1R-SIOM 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HTR-SIOM 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HC0R-SIOM 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HC1R-SIOM 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HC1TR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HC0TR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-HTTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DC1TR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DC0TR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DTTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HTTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HC1TR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-HC0TR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots3 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DNCTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-6028TP-DNCTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-2028TP-DECTR 2U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-2028U-TR4+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-2028U-TR4T+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028U-TRT+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028U-TRTP+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028U-TR4+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-6028U-TR4T+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SYS-2028U-E1CNRT+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-2028U-E1CNR4T+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028U-E1CNRT+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6028U-E1CNR4T+Ultra2U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SSG-927R-E2CJB 2U0 CPU Socket0 DIMM Slot24 Drive Bays2 Nodes
Model (SKU)ClassForm FactorCPU (per Node)DIMM (per Node)Drive Bays (per Node)NetworkingNode per System
SYS-5039MS-H12TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1Gb12 Nodes
SYS-5039MS-H8TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb8 Nodes
SYS-6039P-TXRTMax IO Systems3U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 25G1 Node
SSG-6039P-E1CR16H 3U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6039P-E1CR16L 3U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-5039MD8-H8TNR 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb8 Nodes
SYS-5039MD18-H8TNR 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb8 Nodes
SYS-5039MC-H12TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1Gb12 Nodes
SYS-5039MC-H8TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb8 Nodes
SYS-5039MP-H8TNR 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb8 Nodes
SYS-5038MD-H8TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb8 Nodes
SSG-6038R-DE2CR16L 3U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-5038MD-H24TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots1 Drive Bay2x 1Gb24 Nodes
SYS-5038ML-H12TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb12 Nodes
SYS-5038ML-H8TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb8 Nodes
SYS-5038ML-H24TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots1 Drive Bay2x 1Gb24 Nodes
SSG-6038R-E1CR16H 3U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6038R-E1CR16L 3U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6038R-E1CR16N 3U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-6038R-TXRMax IO Systems3U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-5038MR-H8TRF 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb8 Nodes
SSG-937R-E2CJB 3U0 CPU Socket0 DIMM Slot16 Drive Bays2 Nodes
SYS-5039MA8-H12RFT 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10Gb12 Nodes
SYS-5039MA16-H12RFT 3U1 CPU Socket4 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10Gb12 Nodes
SYS-5038MA-H24TRF 3U2 CPU Sockets4 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1Gb24 Nodes
Model (SKU)ClassForm FactorCPU (per Node)DIMM (per Node)Drive Bays (per Node)NetworkingNode per System
SYS-F619P2-RTN 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB8 Nodes
SYS-F619P2-RC0 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB8 Nodes
SYS-7049P-TRMainstream4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-7049P-TRTMainstream4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-F619P2-RC1 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB8 Nodes
SYS-F619P2-RT 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots6 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB8 Nodes
SYS-F629P3-RTB 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots8 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-F629P3-RTBN 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots8 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-F629P3-RC0B 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots8 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-F629P3-RC1B 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots8 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-7049GP-TRTGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-7049A-T 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SSG-6049P-E1CR24H 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6049P-E1CR24L 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6049P-E1CR36H 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots36 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6049P-E1CR36L 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots36 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-420GP-TNRGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-420GP-TNARGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-420GP-TNAR+GPU System4U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
AS-4124GS-TNRGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
AS-4124GO-NARTRGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
AS-4124GO-NART+GPU System4U1 CPU Socket32 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-5049P-E1CTR36L 4U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots36 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-4029GP-TRTGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-4029GP-TRT2GPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-5049P-E1CR45H 4U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots45 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SSG-5049P-E1CR45L 4U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots45 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SSG-6049P-E1CR45H 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots45 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6049P-E1CR45L 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots45 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6049P-E1CR60H 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots60 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6049P-E1CR60L 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots60 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SYS-4029GP-TVRTGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-F619P2-FT 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB8 Nodes
SYS-F619P3-FT 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots2 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB8 Nodes
SSG-6049P-E1CR45L+ 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots45 Drive BaysSIOM1 Node
SSG-6049P-E1CR60L+ 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots60 Drive BaysSIOM1 Node
SYS-4029GP-TRT3GPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-6049GP-TRTGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-8049U-E1CR4TMP System4U4 CPU Sockets48 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-5049A-T 4U1 CPU Socket12 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays1x 1G, 1x 10G1 Node
SYS-F619H6-FT 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots12 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB4 Nodes
SYS-F619P2-FT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets12 DIMM Slots4 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB8 Nodes
SYS-5049A-TR 4U1 CPU Socket12 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays1x 1G, 1x 10G1 Node
SSG-6049SP-E1CR60 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots60 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6049SP-DE1CR60 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots30 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SSG-6049SP-DE2CR60 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots60 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SSG-6049SP-E1CR90 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots90 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6049SP-DE1CR90 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots45 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SSG-6049SP-DE2CR90 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots90 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SSG-6048R-E1CR45L 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots45 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6048R-E1CR45H 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots45 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SYS-8048B-TRFTMP System4U4 CPU Sockets96 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-F628R3-RTBPTN+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-RTN+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-RTPTN+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G8 Nodes
SYS-8048B-TR3FMP System4U4 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots5 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-8048B-C0R3FTMP System4U4 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots5 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-4028GR-TXRTGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-4028GR-TXRGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-4048B-TRFTMP System4U4 CPU Sockets96 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-F628G2-FC0PT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F628G2-FTPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F628G3-FT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-6048R-TXRMax IO Systems4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots5 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-F628R3-RC0B+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-RC0BPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-4048B-TR4FTMP System4U4 CPU Sockets96 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-8048B-TR4FTMP System4U4 CPU Sockets96 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-F618R2-RC0+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-RC0PT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-FTPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 10G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-FT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R3-FT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R3-FTPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 10G8 Nodes
SYS-F628R2-FT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R2-FTPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R2-FC0+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R2-FC0PT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-FT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-FTPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-FC0+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-FC0PT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F618H6-FTL+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F618H6-FTPTL+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-4028GR-TRGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-4028GR-TRTGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-F628G2-FC0+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628G2-FT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628G3-FC0PT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F628G3-FC0+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F628G3-FTPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SSG-6048R-E1CR72L 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots72 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-F648G2-FC0PT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-F648G2-FC0+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-F648G2-FTPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-F648G2-FT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-8048B-TR4F 4U4 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots5 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-8048B-C0R4FT 4U4 CPU Sockets32 DIMM Slots5 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6048R-E1CR60N 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots60 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6048R-E1CR60L 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots60 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6048R-E1CR90L 4U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots90 Drive BaysSIOM, SIOM IB1 Node
SSG-6048R-DE2CR24L 4U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G2 Nodes
SYS-4028GR-TR2GPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-4028GR-TRT2GPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-F618H6-FT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F618H6-FTPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-4028GR-TVRTGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-7048R-TR 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-7048R-TRTMainstream4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-7048A-T 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-F628R3-RTB+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-R72B+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-RTBPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-R72BPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-RT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-R72+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-RTPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-R72PT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G8 Nodes
SYS-7048GR-TRGPU System4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SSG-5048R-E1CR36L 4U1 CPU Socket8 DIMM Slots36 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-7048R-C1R4+Mainstream4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays4x 1G1 Node
SYS-7048R-C1RT4+Mainstream4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-7048R-C1RMainstream4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 1G1 Node
SYS-7048R-C1RTMainstream4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SYS-F618R2-FT 4U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R3-FT 4U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-FC0 4U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-FT 4U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-FC0 4U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots4 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R2-FC0 4U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F618R3-FTL 4U2 CPU Sockets8 DIMM Slots2 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-RTBN+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-RC1B+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 1G4 Nodes
SYS-F628R3-RC1BPT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots8 Drive Bays2x 10G4 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-RC1+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 1G8 Nodes
SYS-F618R2-RC1PT+ 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots6 Drive Bays2x 10G8 Nodes
SSG-6048R-E1CR36H 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots36 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6048R-E1CR36L 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots36 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6048R-E1CR36N 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots36 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SSG-6048R-E1CR24H 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6048R-E1CR24L 4U2 CPU Sockets16 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node
SSG-6048R-E1CR24N 4U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots24 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SSG-947R-E2CJB 4U0 CPU Socket0 DIMM Slot24 Drive Bays2 Nodes
Model (SKU)ClassForm FactorCPU (per Node)DIMM (per Node)Drive Bays (per Node)NetworkingNode per System
SYS-7089P-TR4TMP System7U8 CPU Sockets96 DIMM Slots16 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
SYS-7088B-TR4FTMP System7U8 CPU Sockets192 DIMM Slots12 Drive Bays4x 10G1 Node
Model (SKU)ClassForm FactorCPU (per Node)DIMM (per Node)Drive Bays (per Node)NetworkingNode per System
SYS-9029GP-TNVRTGPU System10U2 CPU Sockets24 DIMM Slots22 Drive Bays2x 10G1 Node

>Benefits of Supermicro SuperServer

If the best possible price-performance ratio and low total cost of ownership are to be the top priorities, then the SuperMicro servers are the first choice. These are ideally suited for critical solutions, supercomputer clusters, company databases, for business-critical front-end server applications and, thanks to redundant components, always ensure fail-safe operation. The raw benefits combined with an excellent track record have earned Supermicro a reputation as a true leader in the high-end PC/server industry.

From rack to tower, from 1U to 10U, from desktop to multinode systems, the Superserver can be found in every design. It is not without reason that SuperServers are the backbone of the world's largest cloud and web hosts, databases, data centers and virtualization environments today .

  • Uncompromising Quality Control
  • The most Comprehensive Line of Servers, Storage Systems, and Subsystems
  • Widest Variety of Application Optimized Solutions, from High End Clusters to MicroServers
  • Best Performance per-Watt, per-Square-Foot, and per-Dollar
  • Superior Product Design Based in Silicon Valley
  • Consistently First-to-Market
  • Best Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Highest Quality Components and Materials
  • 3-Year Limited Warranty
  • 24-Hour Support and Global Services
  • Redfish API support

Blade Servers - SuperBlade®

SuperBlade Benefits:

  • New 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors supported
  • New Intel® Xeon® W-2100/W-2200, E-2100/E-2200, and D-2100 series processors
  • Up to 280 nodes per rack and 200 GPUs per rack
  • Hot-plug U.2 NVMe SSD, up to 8 drives per blade server
  • 100G EDR InfiniBand, 100G Intel® Omni-Path, and 25G/10G/1G Ethernet switches
  • Redundant AC/DC power supplies
  • Battery Backup Power (BBP® ) modules
  • Supermicro RSD and Redfish RESTful APIs supported
  • Free-air cooling designs deliver lowest PUE
Optimized for: Enterprise Applications, Resource-saving Architecture, Data Center, HPC, Hosting & Content Delivery

4U SuperBlade®
ModelNodesCPUsGPUsDIMMsDrivesNetworkingInterfacePower SupplyDetails
SBI-4429P-T2N120122 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
6U SuperBlade®
SBI-6119P-C3N110123 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6119P-T3N 110123 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6119R-C3N11083 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6119R-T3N 11083 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6129P-C3N 120243 (2.5")2x 10Gb, 2x 25GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6129P-T3N120243 (2.5")2x 10Gb, 2x 25GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6419P-C3N110123 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6419P-T3N120123 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6429P-C3N120243 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6429P-T3N120243 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6119PW-C3N110123 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-6119PW-T3N110123 (2.5")2x 10GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
7U SuperBlade®
ModelNodesCPUsGPUsDIMMsDrivesNetworkingInterfacePower SupplyDetails
SBI-7128R-C6 120166 (2.5")1x FCoE, 1x FDR IB, 2x 10GbSASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7128RG-F 12281 (2.5")2x 1GbSATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7128RG-X 12281 (2.5")2x 1Gb, 2x 10GbSATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7428R-C3 120163 (2.5")1x FCoE, 1x FDR IB, 2x 10GbSASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7428R-T3 120163 (2.5")1x FCoE, 1x FDR IB, 2x 10GbSATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7128R-C6N 120166 (2.5")1x FCoE, 1x FDR IB, 2x 10GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7128RG-F2 12281 (2.5")2x 1Gb, 2x FDR IBSATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7228R-T2F22082 (2.5")1x FDR IBSATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7228R-T2X 22082 (2.5")2x 10GbSATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7428R-C3N 120163 (2.5")1x FCoE, 1x FDR IB, 2x 10GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7428R-T3N 120163 (2.5")1x FCoE, 1x FDR IB, 2x 10GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-7228R-T2F2 22082 (2.5")2x 1Gb, 2x FDR IBSATAredundantLEARN MORE
8U SuperBlade®
ModelNodesCPUsGPUsDIMMsDrivesNetworkingInterfacePower SupplyDetails
SBI-4119MG-X 11040 (M.2)2x 10GbNVMeredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-4129P-C2N 120162 (2.5")1x EDR IB, 1x OPA, 2x 10Gb, 2x 25GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-4129P-T3N 120163 (2.5")1x EDR IB, 1x OPA, 2x 10Gb, 2x 25GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-8149P-C4N 140484 (2.5")1x EDR IB, 1x OPA, 2x 10Gb, 2x 25GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBI-8149P-T8N 140488 (2.5")1x EDR IB, 1x OPA, 2x 10Gb, 2x 25GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBA-4114S-C2N 11082 (2.5")2x 25GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBA-4114S-T2N 11082 (2.5")2x 25GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE
SBA-4119SG 21280 (M.2)2x 25GbNVMeredundantLEARN MORE
SBA-4119S-C2N 11082 (2.5")2x 25GbNVMe, SASredundantLEARN MORE
SBA-4119S-T2N 11082 (2.5")2x 25GbNVMe, SATAredundantLEARN MORE

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